This is an amazing business opportunity ; you can educate and help so many people while building business together with your spouse. Partnership is one of the most important parts of our business.
I learned about Primerica back in 2010 and started developing as part time income vehicle while Hemali was still working as Medical lab technician in doctor’s office.
I learn about gaps in financial literacy in Canada and excited to see how we can help community and save their hard-earned money. I was working and earning, but real change came in 2017 when Hemali quit her full-time job and joined me in Primerica business. It changed everything. We were able to develop more relation with people, started building it faster and able to develop dynamic teammates who have same belief like us. We have started small gatherings at home , able to meet partners of our key players and started exchanging ideas to build our Primerica business.
Hemali and I have different role to play in business which gives clarity and sense of responsibility. It has also provided a foundation of little explosion in our business . I have been a front face of the business while Hemali takes care of all administration work in the office. This arrangement has given me more time to focus on new recruits and field activities.
Hemali has an excellent ability to calculate numbers, keeping track of where we are for the month and where we should be closing the month. She has really become the engine of our business. Hemali is dually licensed and we believe that all partners should learn more about this business by getting licensed.
As we grow our business , income, and client base , working as a partner and helping out each other, specially when needed the most, surely creating strong foundation for years to come.
I am happy that we decided to grow this business together.
Ketul and Hemali Raval.