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Writer's pictureHasnain Abdulaziz

Being a Champion

Being a “4x10” champion means a lot more than just getting 4 directs and writing 10k in personal premium. It means that for 30 days that person was able to put aside their distractions, challenges and excuses to go after a long term Vision and goal. A “4x10 champion” is the behavior of someone who has a vision so big that they are willing to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to ensure the fruition of the Vision. The consistency of a “4x10 champion” speaks volumes not only to their work ethic but most importantly their mindset. They are fully aware that they WILL BE BIG-it’s only a matter of time!

How is it that simple production numbers can reverberate such important characteristics when it comes to business? Simple, “4x10” is nothing more than a mindset. It is not a number rather it is a behavior. A “4x10 champion” chooses not to let the challenges or obstacles of the day get to them. They choose to avoid small minded people and they choose to persevere through adversity. They are choosing to lead by example so that their teammates have a winning example to duplicate. It’s a decision that once made breeds confidence and competence. You don’t have to be a stellar producer; you just have to make a

decision to consistently produce. It isn’t the easiest thing to do-but it is simple and it is 100% worth it.

Teresa Anton

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